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Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW)

Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is a private international initiative that takes place every November. It is an opportunity for the ecosystem of entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policymakers and other startup champions to celebrate and exchange experiences. In Senegal, the objective of this meeting in 2020 was to bring together the different stakeholders involved in the training and integration of young people in the workplace to exchange on skills needs and opportunities in terms of job creation. 

The GEW was the ideal platform to present the USAID Feed the Future project Business Drivers for Food Safety (BD4FS) project, implemented by Food Enterprise Solutions (FES), and its ambitions in Senegal. In particular, one major goal is to catalyze young students and future entrepreneurs around business opportunities for the management of food safety. Towards that end, BDFS plans to partner with the USAID Feed the Future Youth in Agriculture initiative in Senegal that is being implemented by Virginia Tech University (VTECH).

Within the framework of this partnership, the BD4FS Program Director in Senegal, Ms. Mariama Samb Dieng, presented the project to the participants and institutions and introduced the issue of food safety in the discussions. At the same time, Ms. Samb Dieng announced the launch of a youth competition to develop a mobile learning app around food safety that targets youth entrepreneurs.

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